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We are a family that loves dogs.

We have already had dogs of different breeds mainly belonging to the hunting group (Golden Retrievers and Weimaraners). After a while without dogs, for family reasons, we decided to start over. Although we loved the two previous breeds, we started to research others that would better fit our new family configuration.


We decided on the English Springer Spaniel, which combined all the characteristics we were looking for: medium size, which would adapt even to trips with the family, great intelligence, great temperament (loving and calm), beauty and being great with children. Effortlessly they quickly become important members of the family. Over time, we discovered other very interesting characteristics: great sensitivity, being used as a therapy and companion dog for the elderly, and because of its natural hunting dog characteristics, it has been used as a scent dog in police detective work. drugs.

So, after experiencing all these qualities, we decided to start creating.

We don't breed commercially, we breed because we love the breed. We usually have 1 or 2 litters a year to continue improving the breed.

Then came the name: Statera Domus, which, from Latin, means balanced home/environment. This is due to our search for dogs that have the temperament, functionality, strength and health characteristics, without neglecting structure and beauty, but, more importantly, balanced dogs that harmonize  houses and families and make them more balanced and happier.


Francisco Siervo Neto

Médico Ginecologista-Obstetra, especializado em Reprodução Humana.

Apaixonado por cães desde a infância, já tive cães de diversas raças, como Pastor Alemão, Golden Retriever, Weimareiner e Kuvasz. Porém, foi o Springer Spaniel Inglês que mais me encantou por sua inteligência, companheirismo, temperamento e beleza. Em 2015, tive meu primeiro Springer, o que me motivou a iniciar a criação e fundar o Statera Domus.

Statera Domus Atlas, Springer Spaniel Inglês

Tiago Sousa

Handler Profissional com atuação nacional e internacional. 

Proprietário do Canil Tisstar, criação de Fox Terrier de Pelo Duro

Parceiro do canil Statera Domus na criação de Springer Spaniel Inglês 

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